With today’s relatively low inventory of homes for sale, it can be harder to find a move-in ready home that meets your needs and wants—and stays within your budget! If that’s been your home shopping experience, you may want to consider purchasing a fixer-upper. That’s a house that has good bones but needs a few fixes and upgrades to make it the home you’re dreaming of living in.

Fixer-uppers are a great way for first-time home buyers to achieve the goal of homeownership. They’re also a great way for repeat buyers to move up to a larger home or a better neighborhood. The truth is you may be limiting your choices too much if you only look at homes with all the features you want. You’ll get more options by adding fixer-uppers to your mix of homes to consider. Here’s how to proceed.

Decide on your needs and wants. Make a list of all the things you would like your new home to have. Then put those features into the following categories:

  • “Have-to-Haves.” These are the features a house must have to meet your needs and lifestyle. Not having one of these things would be a dealbreaker.
  • “Nice-to-Haves.” These are things you’d love to have but can live without. Not having them wouldn’t be a dealbreaker, but if a home has all the “have-to-haves” and some of the “nice-to-haves,” you would consider it seriously.
  • “Ultimates.” These are features you dream about having. A home with all the “have-to-haves,” some “nice-to-haves,” and a few “ultimates” would be a winner.

Tell your real estate agent. Share your list with us, and we’ll focus on finding you homes that meet your needs now—and have the potential to deliver some of your “nice-to-haves” and maybe even a few “ultimates”—with just some work.

Based on our experience, we’ll help you see what’s possible. We’ll explain the features that are simple to add and easy to change and show you how to make the upgrades and stay within budget. We can also connect you to a network of inspectors, electricians, plumbers, roofers, contractors, landscapers, and other professionals to help you with the work. Most importantly, we’ll advise you on which renovations and upgrades could give you the greatest return on the money you spend when you sell.

Imagine—the perfect home for you may be the one you perfect after you buy it!

Thinking of selling or buying a home? Please text, call, or email us to learn about your best options today!